SUMMARY:As Isaac, you are separated almost immediately from the rest of your team by the former crew of the Ishimura, which has been transformed into horrifying monsters called Necromorphs. Forced to fight for his survival, Isaac makes do with the tools at hand to defend himself with, which are for the most part repurposed mining instruments like plasma welding guns or buzz saws. These improvised weapons are put to graphic, gruesome work as bodily damage and even severe head trauma isn't enough to kill a Necromorph--only by severing their limbs can you put them down for good. This nuance, referred to as strategic dismemberment, vastly alters the way combat is approached in Dead Space from the typical "aim for the head"-style gameplay seen in most action games and zombie apocalypse scenarios.
My Review:game nie mmg gns n best nie akn wat korg rase berdebar2 dgn die pnyer sound efek lgi..fuhh,x rugi kalu korg men game nie..
nanti aku ade mase aku akn wat review psl game2 len plak
my luv 4 da music
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bagi korg yg minat games x kire boys Or girls u Should check out this..
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Ten years after the destruction of Raccoon City, former S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team member Chris Redfield is an agent of the B.S.A.A. This paramilitary anti-bio-organic weapon organization travels the globe to seek out and destroy Umbrella's creations, which have fallen into the hands of terrorists following the collapse of the multinational pharmaceutical company. When Chris gets a tip that a known weapons dealer will be making a big deal in the remote African nation of Kijuju, he heads there to put a stop to it and learn what he can about the mysterious doomsday project known only as Uroboros. Chris is joined by Sheva Alomar, a local B.S.A.A. agent, and together they battle wave after wave of infected villagers, horribly mutated monsters, and even series archnemesis Albert Wesker.
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Eureka 7..this is my faveret anime..
4 more info 4 those who are interested..u guys can check this website: Or u guys can copy this story from me,free of charge of coz,hehe..membe pnyer pasal
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 3:34 PM 0 comments
I'm a new fan of this Band..
Sean Kennedy (Lead Vocals, Bass)
Stefan Runstrom (Drums)
Steven Beck (Guitar, Vocals)
Joey Barba (Guitar)
Your early 20s are meant to represent the good times. That is the part of your life where you break out of your shell and define yourself as an individual. Those are the moments where you are supposed to feel the most invincible. Where most people their age are studying for finals or living carefree, Tickle Me Pink is dealing with the reality of how short life can be.
With their debut album Madeline, The Fort Collins, Colorado band explores mortality, drug use, suicide, loss, brutal breakups and the trappings of suburbia. The band had to face the subject of death on what should have been one of the best moments of their career, the national release of their first album. On July 1, 2008, the day their album was released, bassist/guitarist Johnny Schou tragically passed away at the age of 22 years-old.
Singer Sean Kennedy explains, “It is somewhat ironic that many of our songs deal with death and a higher purpose. We don't think it is a coincidence that these songs came about on our record. We want to let the world know how short life is; embrace the ones you love and treasure each moment without regret.”
Formed in 2005, Tickle Me Pink includes Sean Kennedy (lead vocals, bass), Stefan Runstrom (drums), Steven Beck (guitar, vocals) and Joey Barba (guitar). Tickle Me Pink has built a loyal following by playing hundreds of live shows and independently releasing two EPs, If Only We Were Twenty One And Up (2005) and Half Seas Over (2006), and their debut full-length, Madeline. Selling out the 650-capacity Aggie Theater in Fort Collins, Tickle Me Pink has become one of the biggest bands in Colorado.
The urgency and depth of Tickle Me Pink is best captured with the title track of their new album. "Madeline" is a cautionary tale of substance abuse, documenting the death of the album's namesake heroine. Kennedy states, “Madeline represents my friends who have gone off of the deep end. It illustrates how sorry I feel that my impact on some of my friends has not been more positive. Every activity shared in the song may have been fun at the time, but ultimately brought Madeline to her death. Living with the thought that you might have been the final straw is a tough mental battle.”
Tickle Me Pink recorded Madeline at The Blasting Room in Fort Collins with producer Lee Miles (The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Puddle Of Mudd). From the addictive melodies and explosive vocals on “Typical,” to the roaring rocker “I Can’t Breathe,” and the heartbreaking exploration of suicide on “Tomorrow’s Ending,” there is a lot of depth to this debut. With an onslaught of modern artists pigeonholed into singular sounds, Madeline is an eclectic offering that changes colors like a chameleon, yet never loses its heart or identity.
The standout track “The Time Is Wrong” is a song that deals with inner conflict and personal struggle. Kennedy explains, “This is a darker song about the devil within us all. Its goal is to portray how selfish our flesh is. There might be a raging battle in our heads, but we are too prideful to not hurt someone else, someone else who is unhappy brings comfort. So what would make you feel better: hurting the person so they are miserable alongside you, or being alone for the night? The entire song is an internal struggle.”
With only two members of the band able to legally drink, the musical prowess and bleeding of youth is evident in Tickle Me Pink. The band’s blunt force trauma of honesty and exploration of life is captured on Madeline. Despite their age, each band member has accumulated years of experience.
Sean Kennedy has played music for over 11 years, taking lessons for opera, guitar and piano. He has developed a unique style all his own, and was trained by classical guitarist Dave Beegle. Outside of Tickle Me Pink, he also released an acoustic solo album in 2006.
Drummer Stefan Runstrom was immediately added to Tickle Me Pink when the band watched him win a battle of the bands on his own. A session drummer and drum teacher, Runstrom’s powerful technique is the backbone of Tickle Me Pink. Runstrom started playing at the age of 12. His early inspiration was classic rock, particularly John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. After Bonham, it was Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters who really made Runstrom want to play drums.
Tickle Me Pink were a three piece for over a year before guitarist Steven Beck joined the group. The band played the Coors Amphitheatre in Denver with Social Distortion when they decided that they needed another member for a bigger live sound. Beck has been playing guitar since age six, and previously spent four years teaching at the Academy of Guitar in Fort Collins.
Guitarist and bassist Johnny Schou was an integral member of Tickle Me Pink throughout their rise in Colorado, and while recording their debut album. The co-writer of Madeline cut his teeth as an assistant engineer at The Blasting Room in Fort Collins, where he worked with the legendary Bill Stevenson (The Descendents, Black Flag, Lemonheads). Although his life ended too soon, his legacy will continue to live on through his work on Madeline. Following the tragic loss of Schou, Tickle Me Pink enlisted long-time friend Joey Barba to join them on the road as guitarist. Barba grew up with Tickle Me Pink in the Colorado music scene as the guitarist of the band The Brotherhood Of Dae Han. Barba often joined Tickle Me Pink on stage, and appeared on the band’s live DVD and was in the studio during some of the album recording.
With Madeline, Tickle Me Pink has tried to make sense of who they are and find their place in the often confusing and contradictory world that surrounds them. Through tragedy and the experiences they have accumulated thus far, Tickle Me Pink has defined their purpose and found their calling. The band has come to grips with life, and hope in the memory of their fallen friend they will help others along the way. Kennedy shares, “Johnny always wanted to bring purpose to other people's lives. He had a quiet leadership that lives in all of us as a band. His legacy is in his music, and every show we play, we are sharing a piece of Johnny's heart with our listeners. Not only would he want us to carry on, but we owe it to him.”
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
InFo About iBadat PoSe..Check It ouT..
Puasa (bahasa Arab: صوم) secara bahasanya boleh diertikan sebagai menahan diri. Daripada segi istilah syara' bermaksud menahan diri daripada makan atau minum untuk suatu jangkamasa tertentu.
Puasa ertinya menahan diri daripada makan dan minum serta segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai dari terbit fajar sehinggalah terbenam matahari. Umat Islam juga dikehendaki menahan diri daripada menipu, mengeluarkan kata-kata buruk atau sia-sia, serta bertengkar atau bergaduh. Ini kerana puasa merupakan medan latihan memupuk kesabaran, kejujuran serta bertolak ansur sesama sendiri. Secara tidak langsung amalan puasa akan menyuburkan sikap murni di dalam diri pelakunya. Adalah menjadi harapan kita agar kesemua nilai yang baik ini akan terus dipraktikkan ke bulan-bulan berikutnya.
Firman Allah S.W.T:
“ | “ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semoga kamu menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. “ - (Surah Al-Baqarah: 183) | ” |
Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w: Ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w melalui sabdanya yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad, An- Nasa'i dan Al Baihaqi dari Abu Hurairah, yang bermaksud:
“ | " Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan bulan yang penuh berkat. Allah telah fardhukan ke atas kamu berpuasa padanya. Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan itu dibuka segala pintu Syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka serta dibelenggu segala syaitan......."Niat puasa RamadhanTidak wajib dan tidak juga sunat berniat dalam bahasa Arab, memadai dalam bahasa Melayu atau apa-apa bahasa yang kita fahami. Tetapi baik dan berpahala jika diamalkan dalam bahasa Arab dengan niat kita cinta kepada bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan bahasa Al-Quran. Lafaz niatLafaz setiap malam. Niat ringkas: نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ رَمَضَانَ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى Niatnya: Sahaja aku puasa Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala. Lafaz lengkap: نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ أَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ رَمَضَانَ هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى Niatnya: Sahaja aku puasa esok hari pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.
Lafaz niat puasa Ramadhan sepenuhnya untuk sebulan: Lafaznya: نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ كِلِّهِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى Niatnya: Sahaja aku berpuasa sebulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.
Waktu berniatWaktu berniat bermula daripada terbenam matahari, yakni masuk waktu sembahyang fardhu Maghrib hinggalah sebelum terbit fajar shadiq (waktu Subuh). Oleh itu, bolehlah dilakukan niat puasa pada mana-mana bahagian daripada waktu tersebut, walaupun semasa berbuka. Hukum puasaPuasa Wajib
Puasa SunatHari-hari berikut disunatkan berpuasa bagi umat Islam:
Puasa Haram
Orang-orang Islam yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di bawah ini diwajibkan berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan:
Rukun puasaRukun puasa ada dua, iaitu:
Ya Allah, Aku telah berpuasa untuk Kau dan pada Kaulah aku mempercayai dan aku membuka puasa dengan apa yang Kau berikan Kerugian meninggalkan puasaRamadhanPahala puasa Ramadhan amat besar. Orang yang meninggalkan puasa dengan sengaja, bukan saja telah melakukan satu dosa besar, bahkan dia mengalami satu kerugian yang amat besar, satu hari puasa yang ditinggalkan tersebut tidak boleh ditebus dengan apa jua cara, tidak boleh ditukar ganti, sekalipun orang yang meninggalkannya berpuasa seumur hidupnya. Ini jelas sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam: Maksudnya: “Sesiapa berbuka satu hari pada bulan Ramadhan tanpa ada rukhshah (uzur syarak) dan tidak juga kerana sakit, dia tidak akan dapat menggantikan puasa yang ditinggalkannya itu, sekalipun dia berpuasa seumur hidup.” (Hadis riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud, Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan Ibnu Khuzaimah). |
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 6:12 PM 0 comments
DOA_DOA di Bulan Ramadhan
“ Doa Harian Ramadhan “
Doa hari – 1
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah puasaku sebagai puasa orang-orang yang benar-benar berpuasa. Dan ibadah malamku sebagai ibadah orang-orang yang benar-benar melakukan ibadah malam. Dan jagalah aku dan tidunya orang-orang yang lalai. Hapuskanlah dosaku ... Wahai Tuhan sekalian alam!!
Dan ampunilah aku, Wahai Pengampun para pembuat dosa.
Doa hari – 2
Yaa Allah! Dekatkanlah aku kepada kenidloan-MU dan jauhkanlah aku dan kemurkaan serta balasan-MU. Berilah aku kemampuan untuk membaca ayat-ayat-MU dengan rahmat-MU, Wahai Maha Pengasih dad semua Pengasih!!
Doa hari – 3
Yaa Allah! Benikanlah aku nizki akal dan kewaspadaan. dan jauhkanlah aku dari kebodohan dan kesesatan. Sediakanlah bagian untukku dari segala kebaikan yang KAU turunkan, demi kemurahan-MU, Wahai dzat Yang Maha Dermawan dari semua dermawan!
Doa hari – 4
Yaa Allah! Berikanlah kekuatan kepadaku, untuk menegakkan perintah-perintah-MU, dan berilah aku manisnya bendzikin mengingat-MU. Berilah aku kekuatan untuk menunaikan syukur kepada-MU, dengan kemuliaan- MU. Dan jagalah aku dengan penjagaan-MU dan perlindungan-MU, Wahai dzat Yang Maha Melihat.
Doa hari – 5
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah aku diantara orang-orang yang memohon ampunan, dan jadikanlah aku sebagai hamba-MU yang sholeh dan setia serta jadikanlah aku diantara Auliya'- MU yang dekat disisi-MU, dengan kelembutan-MU, Wahai dzat Yang Maha Pengasih di antara semua pengasih.
Doa hari – 6
Yaa Allah! Janganlah Engkau hinakan aku karena perbuatan maksiat terhadap-MU, dan janganlah Engkau pukul aku dengan cambuk balasan-MU. Jauhkanlah aku dari hal-hal yang dapat menyebabkan kemurkaan-MU, dengan anugerah dan bantuan-MU, Wahai puncak keinginan orang-orang yang berkeinginan!
Doa hari – 7
Yaa Allah! Bantulah aku untuk melaksanakan puasanya, dan ibadah malamnya. Jauhkanlah aku dari kelalaian dan dosa-dosanya. Dan berikanlah aku dzikir berupa dzikir mengingat-MU secara berkesinambungan, dengan Taufiq- MU, Wahai Pemberi Petunjuk orang-onang yang sesat.
Doa hari – 8
Yaa Allah! Berilah aku rizki berupa kasih sayang tenhadap anak-anak yatim dan pemberian makan, serta penyebaran salam, dan pergaulan dengan orang-onang mulia, dengan kemuliaan-MU, Wahai tempat berlindung bagi orang-onang yang berharap
Doa hari – 9
Yaa Allah! Sediakanlah untukku sebagian dri rahmat-MU yang luas, dan beriknalah aku petunjuik kepada ajaran- ajaran-MU yang terang, dan bimbinglah aku menuju kepada kerelaan-MU yang penuh dengan kecintaan-MU, Wahai harapan orang-orang yang rindu.
Doa hari – 10
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah aku diantara orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Mu, dan jadikanlah aku diantara orang- orang yang menang disisi-MU, dan jadikanlah aku diantara orang-orang yang dekat kepada-MU dengan ihsan-MIU, Wahai Tujuan orang-orang yang memohon.
Doa hari – 11
Yaa Allah! Tanamkanlah dalam diniku kecintaan kepada perbuatan baik, dan tanamkanlah dalam diniku kebencian terhadap kemaksiatan dan kefasikan. Jauhkanlah dariku kemurkaan-MU dan api neraka dengan pertolongan-MU, Wahai Penolong orang-orang yang meminta pertolongan.
Doa hari – 12
Yaa Allah! Hiasilah diriku dengan penutup dan kesucian. Tutupilah diriku dengan pakaian qana'ah dan kerelaan. Tempatkanlah aku di atas jalan keadilan dan sikap tulus. Amankanlah diniku dari setiap yang aku takuti dengan penjagaan-MU, Wahai penjaga orang-orang yang takut.
Doa hari – 13
Yaa Allah! Sucikanlah diriku dari kekotoran dan kejelekan. Berilah kesabaran padaku untuk menenima segala ketentuan. Dan berilah kemampuan kepadaku untuk bertaqwa, dan bergaul dengan orang-orang yang baik dengan bantuan-MU,Wahai Dambaan orang-orang miskin.
Doa hari – 14
Yaa Allah! Janganlah.Engkau hukum aku, karena kekeliruan yang kulakukan. Dan ampunilah aku dari kesalahan-kesalahan dan kebodohan. Janganlah Engkau jadikan diriku sebagai sasaran bala' dan malapetaka dengan kemualian-MU, Wahai Kemulian kaum Muslimin.
Doa hari – 15
Yaa Allah! Berilah aku rizki berupa ketaatan orang-orang yang khusyu'. Dan lapangkanlah dadaku dengan taubatnya orang-orang yang menyesal, dengan keamanan-MU, Wahai Keamanan untuk orang-orang yang takut.
Doa hari - 16
Yaa Allah! Berilah aku kemampuan untuk hidup sebagaimana kehidupan orang-orang yang baik. Dan jauhkanlah aku dari kehidupan bersama orang-orang yang jahat. Dan naungilah aku dengan rahmat-MU hingga sampai kepada alam akhirat. Demi ketuhanan-MU Wahai Tuhan seru sekalian alam.
Doa hari – 17
Yaa Allah! Tunjukkanlah aku kepada amal kebajikan dan penuhilah hajat serta cita-cita-ku. Wahai Yang Maha Mengetahui keperluan, tanpa pengungkapan permohonan. Wahai Yang Maha Mengetahui segala yang ada didalam hati seluruh isi alam. Sholawat atas Mohammad dan keluarganya yang suci.
Doa hari – 18
Yaa Allah! Sedarkanlah aku akan berkah-berkah yang terdapat di saat saharnya. Dan sinarilah hatiku dengan terang cahayanya dan bimbinglah aku dan seluruh anggota tubuhku untuk dapat mengikufi ajaran-ajarannya, Demi cahaya-Mu Wahai Penerang hati para arifin.
Doa hari – 19
Yaa Allah! Penuhilah bagianku dengan berkah-berkahnya, dan mudahkanlah jalanku menuju kebaikan-kebaikannya. Janganlah Kau jauhkan aku dari ketertedmaan kebaikan- kebaikannya, Wahai Pembed petunjuk kepada kebenaran yang terang.
Doa hari – 20
Yaa Allah! Bukakanlah bagiku pintu-pintu sorga dan tutupkanlah bagiku pintu-pintu neraka, dan berikanlah kemampuan padaku untuk membaca AI-Quran Wahai Penurun ketenangan di dalam hati orang-orang Mu'min.
Doa hari – 21
Yaa Allah! benilah aku petunjuk menuju kepada kenidloan- MU. Dan janganlah Engkau bed jalan kepada setan untuk menguasaiku. Jadikanlah sorga bagiku sebagai tempat tinggal dan peristirahatan, Wahai Pemenuh kepenluan orang- orang yang meminta.
Doa hari – 22
Yaa Allah! Bukakanlah bagiku pintu-pintu karunia-MU, turunkan untukku berkah-berkahmu. Berilah kemampuan untukku kepada penyebab-penyebab keridloan-MU, dan tempatkanlah aku di dalam sorga-MU yang luas, Wahai Penjawab doa orang-orang yang dalam kesempitan.
Doa hari – 23
Yaa Allah! Sucikanlah aku dari dosa-dosa, dan bersihkanlah diriku dari segala aib. Tanamkanlah ketaqwaan di dalam hatiku, Wahai Penghapus kesalahan onang-orang yang berdosa.
Doa hari – 24
Yaa Allah! Aku memohon kepada-MU hal-hal yang mendatangkan keridloan-MU, dan aku berlindung dengan- MU dan hal-hal yang mendatangkan kemarahan-MU, dan aku memohon kepada-MU kemampuan untuk mentaati-MU serta menghindani kemaksiatan tenhadap-MU, Wahai Pemberi para peminta.
Doa hari – 25
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah aku orang-.orang yang mencintai Auliya-MU dan memusuhi musuh-musuh MU. Jadikanlah aku pengikut sunnah-sunnah penutup Nabi-MU, Wahai Penjaga hati para Nabi.
Doa hari – 26
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah usahaku sebagai usaha yang disyukuri, dan dosa-dosaku diampuni, amal perbuatan ku diterima, dan seluruh aibku ditutupi, Wahai Maha Pendengar dan semua yang mendengar.
Doa hari – 27
Yaa Allah! Rizkikanlah kepadaku keutamaan Lailatul Qadr, dan ubahlah perkara-perkaraku yang sulit menjadi mudah. Terimalah permintaan maafku, dan hapuskanlah dosa dan keslahanku, Wahai Yang Maha Penyayang terhadap hamba- hambanya yang sholeh.
Doa hari – 28
Yaa Allah! Penuhkanlah hidupku dengan amalan-amalan Sunnah, dan muliakanlah aku dengan terkabulnya semua permintaan. Dekatkanlah perantaraanku kepada-MU diantara semua perantara, Wahai Yang tidak tersibukkan oleh permintaan orang-orang yang meminta.
Doa hari – 29
Yaa Allah! Liputilah aku dengan rabmat dan benikanlah kepadaku Taufiq dan penjagaan. Sucikanlah hatiku dan noda-noda fitnah wahai pengasih terhadap hamb- hambaNYA yang Mu'min.
Doa hari – 30
Yaa Allah! Jadikanlah puasaku disertai dengan syukur dan penerima di atas jalan keridloan-MU dan keridloan Rasul. Cabang-cabangnya kokoh dan kuat berkat pokok-pokoknya, Demi kenabian Mohammad dan keluarganya yang suci, dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan sekalian alam.
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Revolusi Lyrics
aku kelirumenjadi buntu
arah yang ingin ku tuju
rasa resah ku
kian celaru
dengan ilham ku tempuh
aku cuma mahukan
bayangan resah ku akan hilang
tapi keadaan memaksa
menghadapi semua
Inikah revolusi
atau hanya ilusi
bagaikan mimipi jadi realiti
Rasional diriku
rasional dirimu
penentu masa
masa depan ku
adakah masa
menjadi punca
diriku dalam dilema
benarkah anjakkan paradigma
susuli ku terima
aku cuma mahukan
bayangan resah ku akan hilang
tapi keadaan memaksa
menghadapi semua
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Latest bunkface song 4 now..Rock on Bunckface!!!!!
Bunkface - Prom Queen
She's the prom queen
Top 5 in magazines
Where I go forever
Hey ho let's go!
Dressed up in your best
You're ready
To hit the dance floor
Flash down the spotlight
Right on you
Everyone knows you
This time
And so I
Can't go on
And I
Want you to know that
You're cool you're hot
You make me go
Oh oh oh
She's the prom queen
Top 5 in magazines
Where I go forever
She's no girl for me
Ulang Chorus
Step back in the moonlight
Let me sing
I'll be king
Oh in this broken dream
Scream out the words of the fame
Cause I'm in too much pleasure
And so I
Can't go on
And I
Want you to know that
You're cool you're hot
You make me go
Oh oh oh
Ulang Chorus 2X
Oh no
She's no girl for me
Ulang Chorus 3x
No no no no
No girl for me
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 5:15 PM 0 comments
First single melayu Bunkface yang bgi aku yg pling Best!!!!
Diskriminasi menjatuhkan aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku , ku layu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
engkaulah, destinasiku
dalam ingatanku .. oh oh oh…
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku , ku tunggu .. oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Ulang C/O sampai lebam.
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
a little info about everton
Full name Everton Football Club
Nickname(s) The Toffees, The Blues,
The People's Club,
The School of Science
Founded 1878 as St. Domingo F.C.
Ground Goodison Park
(Capacity: 40,157)
Chairman Flag of England Bill Kenwright
Manager Flag of Scotland David Moyes
League Premier League
2008–09 Premier League, 5th
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 2:29 PM 0 comments
everton,my feveret football club
Everton Football Club are an English professional football club from the city of Liverpool. Having competed in the top division for a record 107 seasons, they have played more top-flight league games than any other English team and have won the League Championship nine times—the fourth highest of any team.[1] The club competes in the Premier League, being ever-present since the league was founded in 1992.
Formed in 1878, Everton were founder members of The Football League in 1888 and won their first league championship three years later. Following five league titles and two FA Cups, Everton experienced a lull in the post-war period until a revival in the 1960s, winning two league championships and an FA Cup. The mid-1980s represented their most recent period of success, with two league victories, an FA Cup, and the 1985 European Cup Winners' Cup—their first continental trophy. The club's most recent major trophy was the 1995 FA Cup.
The club have a large fanbase and regularly attracts high attendances, averaging over 36,000, 90% of stadium capacity.[2] Everton have a notable rivalry with neighbours Liverpool F.C. and matches between the two sides are known as the Merseyside Derby. Liverpool F.C. were formed in 1892 by a breakaway group consisting of Everton's former president and several players. The dispute also resulted in Everton leaving Anfield, their original home ground. They have been based at their current home ground, Goodison Park, since 1892. Plans to move to a new 55,000 seater stadium in Kirkby on the Liverpool city border have been delayed due to a public inquiry.
The club's home colours have traditionally been blue and white, and numerous well-known footballers have donned the Everton shirt: the most notable is Dixie Dean, who scored a record 60 league goals in the 1927–28 season. Since 2000, the club has annually recognised successful former players, nominating an "Everton Giant" at the beginning of each season.
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 2:26 PM 0 comments
My faveret Indie Band
What started as casual jamming sessions among four secondary school friends ended up in the formation a band, Bunkface. Three years on and they're now widely known as a rising star in the local music scene. Although the band was formed in 2005, it was only in late 2006 when they caught the attention of the public through their participation in the hit TV show Blastoff. The year 2006 proved to be an exciting one for Bunkface. One of the highlights of their experience as fresh young musicians happened in March 2006 when Bunkface won first place for the Battle of the Bands competition in UNISEL organized by ROTTW. Winning the competition opened a door for Bunkface to be featured in a magazine for the very first time. Another sweet success came later that year when Bunkface snatched first place for the Battle of the Bands competition in Universiti Malaya. With that accomplishment, approached Bunkface and offered to sponsor a video clip for the song Hyper Killer. After garnering a truckload of new experiences, Bunkface began writing more and more new songs. In December 2007, Bunkface released their first EP titled “Lesson of the Season” featuring 6 English tracks with a taste of pop-punk and alternative rock. Fast forward to the present, Bunkface have been featured in ROTTW and interviewed on air numerous times on XFresh FM and Fly FM. They were also interviewed and featured on Era Sentral and The Wknd Sessions. Their first hit song Silly Lily was number 1 on’s Malaysian Top Ten for 8 weeks and number 1 on’s Campur Chart for 10 weeks. Bunkface’s current hit and first Malay single Situasi has stormed to number 1 on XFresh FM and steadily stayed at number 3 on Era FM for 3 weeks. The band has performed at high school proms, charity events, product launchings, dinner galas, and gigs covering venues all around the Klang Valley, Malacca, Perak, Penang, Johor, Sarawak and Singapore. Bunkface was the opening band for Fly FM 3rd Anniversary showcase, and their very first large scale gig proved to be a success. It is no wonder that their catchy tunes coupled with their addictively energetic and fun filled performances have captured the attention of the masses and event organizers alike!
Posted by EurekaSevenSwell at 2:14 PM 0 comments